Devices » Manufacturer: Garmin » Garmin Venu 2(S)

Garmin Venu 2(S)

Manufacturer: Garmin
Release: ismeretlen
Barometer: Yes
Popularity: 1,2%

Utolsó %s hónap

1,2 %
1,2 %
1,2 %
1,2 %
1,2 %
1,2 %
1,3 %
1,2 %
1,2 %
1,3 %
1,3 %
1,2 %



History *

0,4 %
1,1 %
1,2 %
1,2 %


* The statistics displayed are based on the data we determine for the workouts uploaded to Runalyze. This assumes that the uploaded file specifies the device and is correctly recognized by us, which is especially the case for FIT files. This may be biased due to different availability of historical data depending on the vendor/supplier.

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